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             Care Pets
  (tamagotchi game)

This was a (mobile) game we made where we tried to help a problem due to the covid situation. 

The goal of the game was to connect people (mostly partners) by having to take care of a tamagotchi together.

The partners can make a custom character that look like them and then choose a pet (custom their own) together.

2021-12-14 (2).png
2021-12-14 (1).png
creature 2.JPG
creature 1.JPG
creature 3.JPG
character schetsen.png
Bee .png
Bee  2.png

For this game I was in charge of the pets that the players can take care of.

I made some sketches for different creature idea's and sketches for a possible customization screen for the creature.

These are the final 3 creatures that we used for the game (that stayed in a prototype fase).

Concept achtergrond.png
blij emoji.png
paniek emoji.png
koelkast 1.png
boos emoji.png
Vuur 4.png
Vuur 3.png
Vuur 2.png
Vuur 1.png
Vuur 5.png
Bee .png
Bee happy .png

I also made some minor assets/sketches for in the game. I also made a small animation for the fire and ended up rigging the bee creature (to animatie it flying) for our prototype.

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